I'm standing at the stove stirring something... Connor (who, by the way will be turning 12 in a few short days) says something to me. I turn and he is standing next to me. I look "up" yes up to listen to what he is saying. As I'm trying to process the fact that I'm looking UP at him and what he's saying to me, he pauses and says "Mom, I'm taller than you". I said "I know I was just thinking the same thing." Of course he had no idea that my heart did a little flip flop in my chest. (My baby boy is taller than me) In all truth he was wearing shoes and I wasn't so he's probably not technically taller than me..but soooo close.
Later in the morning the boys were jumping on the trampoline and playing around in the backyard. I suddenly became aware that it was very quiet. I stepped out onto the back deck and looked down and there they were.......... just laying quietly chatting and watching the dogs. In that moment I had a feeling of thankfulness come over me. I am so thankful that they have and will always have one another. Even though they probably don't realize it right now.
I quietly slipped into the house and got the camera. I slipped back out and took a quick picture without disturbing them.. I'm so sneaky.