Saturday, February 28, 2009

And the moment you've all been waiting for.....

or not. Do you remember my post back in November about the contractor tearing down our deck and ripping out our gate and then never returning? If not you can read it here at where oh where? I had some fun making up rhymes. At the time I found it quite comical but as time went on it was more difficult to find the humor.... I thought about blogging about it several times but I knew my frustration would come out and I was trying not to be negative. Well my friends I've changed my mind.........from now on I'm letting it all hang out..the good, the bad, and the UGLY! No more Mrs. Nice guy/person! After yesterday's scare.. a whole 'nother blog, I was having chest pains and really came close to calling 911 when I couldn't get a hold of Mark. I called the neighbor, (how embarassing) because I really wasn't sure what was happening. Anyway from now on I'm letting it all look out. I think it will be very good for my heart.

We do now have a new deck... only took 31/2 months and the original "contractor" did take our landlords money and ran. I've made up some rhymes about him in my head but since this is a family blog I won't be able to share those with you, however a nicer, cleaner version may have gone a little something like this......

Where oh where did Patrick (if that is your real name) go?
Oh where oh where could this jerk be?
He is a big crook..who never gave, only took
Oh where oh where could he be?

Where oh where did Patrick go?
Where oh where could he be?
You should put down your hammer
and be dragged to the slammer
Oh where oh where could he be?

Where oh where did this Con man go?
Oh where oh where do they stay?
You should be so ashamed
Punished and defamed
Oh where oh where.........

Where oh where did this bad man go?
Oh where oh where could he be?
You should be thanking my mate
For letting you skate
He held this irish tempered girl back
from finding some dogs who could track
Oh where oh where could he be?

WHOO.. I feel better already, and that's only the beginning of our renting adventure.. there is so much to share. I think I'm really going to enjoy getting this off my chest as it were.. look for more to come!

So on a positive note, here is our pretty little new deck.

From The deck

From The deck

From The deck

From The deck


Terra said...

Bonnie, you can't leave me hanging. What happened yesterday??????????????

The Bailey Family said...

The deck looks great Bonnie...took 4 months, but it looks great! What did happen I'm curious!

Debbie said...

Well, the new deck is very nice but that is a long time to wait!