Friday, February 6, 2009

Out of the loop...??

I have been pondering something the past couple of days.. Is it best to watch the news and know everything that's going on or is ignorance bliss? I do choose not to watch the news (even though I catch tidbits when Mark is watching). My thought is if it's really important you are going to hear about it anyway. I know that in some ways it's good to know what's going on I just think we can get way too caught up in it and I read somewhere that 95% of what we worry about never happens. There is so much negativity right now that when I do listen I feel my anxiety go up and my chest tighten..that can't be healthy.

The thought came to me when someone called to tell me about all the terrible budget cuts that were going on in the Douglas County School District. I had heard of some but the way she was talking it was really going down the tubes and we should be very concerned. I started questioning if I should be more worried and maybe should pay more attention but I just feel that everything has a way of working itself out and It's usually not nearly as bad as you think and if it is then you deal with it when it is...

So my question is.. Do you like to be totally informed at all times or like me partially informed part of the time and blissfully ingnorant the rest of the time?


Terra said...

I have to be in the know, but it has to my KNOW not the know others tell me, the news helps, but if I hear something I need to know more about I google it, attend meetings etc. I too heard the news about DC Schools...I am curious as to how in the world they could go to a 4 day week...but I can also see some benefit to it. 3 day weekends ROCK!

The Bailey Family said...

I live with a Fox News junky, so I'm in the know...I do like to know what’s going on, and it’s a big part of my job…so I get an overdose of news! There are days however, I wish I didn’t know or hadn’t heard! I think it breeds negativity and the media is a real piece of work…they can spin it however they like.

Becky said...

I don't need all that negative energy in my life. I made that choice almost 30 years ago and stopped all newspaper reading or watching the news. Of course, I've been judged as irresponsible and naive, but continue to create my own "ignorant" reality and on my terms.

If there's something the Universe wants me to know, I'll hear snip-its around the water cooler or hear it on morning radio and investigate should I choose. But forcing myself to a constant diet of doom and gloom? - no thank you.